our gift to jin li, printed on a pillow cover so that she can hug us always!!!! credits to our photoshopper, jane wong.. :)
jeck beng's bday surprise last year me and ron in KLIA lift me n ron at KLIA mcd poor darlings suffering thru the heat of cny... :(
went to this taman/zoo/place with historical stuff in kedah with family on the day before cny... was really fun... upload more pics later..
a goat... duh squirrel guess wats this lion came into our college...from left : lion, kam, betty's head... honestly, i was feeling a little scared with the lion upclose like this... i added some tassels/bulu-bulu thing to the scarf to beautify it... :) scarf is taller than me!!! attempting to act cute for jin li's present...
YAY!!!! *fireworks blasting in the sky*... I'm so so happy!! i finally FINISHED knitting my scarf for Grace Kwong Jin Li.... *bows to the standing ovation*.... thank u.... thank u..... XD
so yeah... its actually a farewell present i made for her, inspired by Melissa Chong who made a scarf for her fren who was going to UK... when i started knitting, i went to the internet to find the methods of how to knit.. believe me, it wasnt easy for beginners, learning off the internet!! i constantly made a blunder n got angry with myself... why cant i do it when melissa could?? so i asked AKF n also aunty jenny but they hav forgotten... melissa taught me during caroling but it was only for like 5mins? i didnt get the gist of it.... i waited till i saw melissa again to make sure i know the proper way of how t do it.. patiently, she taught me n i got the hang of it.... i practised a few times before i started to knitting the scarf.. it was really frustrating in the beginning!!
26th december 2008.. the D.O.B of my scarf.. coughcough... i mean, jin li's scarf.. lol..on the 26th, the YA youth were going to PD..i knitted in the car otw to PD... im the type who cant read in the car coz i would get dizzy, but i pulled thru coz time was running out to finish knitting eventhough my head was feeling heavy ade.. i only had 1month... whenever i faced a prob, i would scream 'melissa!!! help!!!!'.....' but 2 weeks later, it was smooth sailing... i sometimes knitted till i felt dizzy.. i even had blisters on my hand from the constant friction of the yarn on my palm n fingers...
so, after my grueling time, persevering to finish the scarf, i finished it... but i really really really had fun doing it.. a sense of pride when the job was done... waaaaaaaahhh!!! so proud of myself!! *teary eyes*..
me, knitting till the wee hours of the morning..
so dark..
kenn, trying a hand at knitting.. :)
me, knitting in the car.. i mean, van in windy conditions..
sifu helping me knit during the early stages
knitting till the 3rd ball of yarn.. 1 more ball to go!!
it is finished!! was knitting on the bed.. so once i was done, terus took a pic of it.. didnt even straighten out the bedsheet.. too excited!...
so, i took more pics of the stunningly amazing scarf
on the floor.. dont worry, i mopped the floor the night before... so its not dirty..
compared to a t-shirt
with the other scarves
the gift 'box' containing the priceless scarf...
i would like to thank the following people who helped me, lended me a hand, n gave me advise n courage to finish this scarf..
1. GOD who helped me when i was down n frustrated in the beginning
2. Melissa Chong who taught me the method n helped me when i made blunders
3. AKF who helped me in the beginning when i had no clue, took me to buy the yarn, n knitted for me when i was doing something else
4. sheryl chong who knitted for me when i was playing RISK
5. Mom n sis who gave me semangat
6. Kenn, who also knitted n showed an interest that i didnt think boys would b interested.
had a sleep over in jl's house last sat. (10th jan)...sort of a farewell for her since she's goin to australia... sigh.. now our gang is not going to be complete after she leaves.. anyways, i rushed to spicy kitchen to meet up with ly, zr n jane without jl's knowledge, to practice the song tat we were gonna sing for her.. spice girls 'goodbye' tat we changed the ending a little to the tune of mirotic.. hahahaa.. ly, zr, jane & i already met up before tat n spent the entire day thinking of a suitable song to sing for jl..
went to her house, ate dinner, then jl played a few songs for us on her organ.. really nice.. *smile*.. proceeded to her bro's room which we were loaning for the nite to watch 'T' concert... instead, we had a pillow talk till 4-5am n only watched 'T' for 1 hour or less? hahaa.. we talked bout many things n i heard many stories that i didnt know.. guess im quite outdated.. but dont worry, my lips are sealed!.. i could hav stayed awake till later but had to go church the next day so i was the 1st to go to bed.. sorry gals.. n oh ya.. we also did this photo album thingy.. was fun to do, writing quirky remarks next to our photos.. will b fun to look at in 5-10 years time.. :)
(btw, did u realise the jae fans were wearing the same colour theme? it was not planed n its not the first time either... kekeke)
zr n ly during pillow talk
ly n her reindeer
jl, jane doing the album while zr abusing jl's bunny
me looking.....confused?? O.O
jane n her reindeer
me n my doggie
jane writting crap
me writing inspiring words.. unlike jane... XD
this pic looks so professional rite? well, guess who took it?! XD
all our soft toys together... awwww...
n yeah, i really really enjoyed myself tat nite.. hope to do it again with all FIVE of us!!!!!
my ktm gang went back home from college first so i joined the others to get some lunch... 1 hour later, i was walking to my car at the kepong central carpark.. as i was driving out, i noticed a note stuck to my car wiper.. i panicked for a while, coz the previous time, when we juz shifted to the apartment, my mom parked at the wrong parking spot n someone wrote a nasty note n left it at her car wiper.. i thought that this note that i saw was from someone from the apartment, but i really didnt remember seing it this morning when i was driving.. maybe its from the ktm ppl then? what hav i done wrong this time?
i stopped the car to take a look at the note. mana tau, it was just a note from my friends who went back earlier.. =.=" i was taken aback for a while... so after reading the note, i once again was lol-ing alone in the car..
note to ppl who saw me lol-ing for the 2nd time alone in the car : MAYBE I M CRAZY... U HAVE BEEN WARNED.........
(content of the 'saman'.... edited version) title : Saman
Susan, we go back 1st. Jing not song that your car got so many bear. Be careful.
yesss... its tat time again...back to college... it started today... we were supposed to go collect our exam results which we estimated would come out at 10am.. therefore, i decided to go late to college.. last time, i would drive to the ktm station at 8.10 to take the 8.25 train... this time, i would take the 8.45 train.. so, i unintentionally woke up late... 7.45...(usually wake up at 7.05).. it didnt bother me.. took a long bath, washed my hair n all... after eating, i drove as fast as i could n the time was 8.44 when i was approaching the station... nearing the parking lot, i thought, ' its time to search for the money to pay parking... rm2..'.. as the carpark attendant was patiently waiting for me, i was casually rummaging thru my bag for me purse... then, OH NO!.... I LEFT MY PURSE AT HOME IN MY HANDBAG!!!..... my frens were already at college waiting for me.. i had no money in the car.. thus, with an embarrassed face, i reversed out of the parking lot, away from the staring carpark attendant n drove home lol-ing alone in the car!!! note to the ppl who saw me lol-ing this morn in my car alone : IM NOT CRAZY
i reached college n walked to the library, our usual spot.. my frens were laughing when they saw me.. 'oh well', i thought...at least this incident cheered me up from a day that i was dreading.... it was already 10am+ but our exam results were still not out... since my frens have been waiting since 8.45 n were really bored, had nothing to do, n were not hungry, we decided to eat brunch.. it was nice talking to them again.. wen jing n i kept talking bout k-pop stuff (to the agony of the others).. stories on how they celebrated christmas n new year were exchanged too.. then, we went to take our exam results.. i really expected bad results since i felt the lecturer didnt like me and i didnt concentrate much but amazingly, my CGPA was the best compared to my 1st & 2nd semester!! wooohooooooooo!! thank u GOD!!! <3 <3
next, i headed to cold storage to buy peaches for my peach crunch that i wanted to make... its in the oven now... the appetizing smell is swirling thru the entire house! i hope it taste's as good as it smells!!!! XD
the following story happened during christmas coz the owner of the blog kept forgetting to write about it due to her very very busy schedule... (im not lagging n thinking christmas was few days ago....)
A kind girl was given a very cute & interesting gift from her amazing frens for her 18th birthday in 2008... it was a very cute hamster which she called Pennette...
The benevolent owner of Pennette adored, loved and took very good care Pennette... Gazing at her everyday, the compassionate owner felt that Pennette was lonely and took pity on her little darling... since christmas was approaching, the thoughtful owner decided to get Pennette a christmas present... what present could cure loneliness??? none other than a cute, charming, appealing & adorable male hammie!!
Pennette's christmas present!
The next task was to find a suitable name for the new hammie... walking around the shopping mall with Pennette's christmas present in a container in lynette's handbag, the pleasant owner went into a bakery... her glorious eyes were looking around and something caught her attention.. a bread/cake/muffin (ppl hav diff opinions on wat it is) that is usually prepared for christmas and new year in italy, called....., Panettone... 'perfect!.. perfect!!'..., the owners good heart cried out... the perfect name since it matches and sounds like Pennette & is in tune with the season too.. christmas & new year!!.. therefore, the benign owner now has a hammie which has a french name, Pennette, and another with an italian name, Panettone..... :)
when i saw this vid, i remember our dong bang gang fantasizing tat when we were still in skool, dbsk will suddenly appear during assembly or when we were dying of boredom during bio, they would barge thru the lab door or something... lol... apparently in this vid, it was a surprise attack to the students n this HaHaHa song is actually an ad for samsung to cheer ppl up during the bad economic times.. *smile*
n this is the earlier one filmed with all 5 of them..
we surprised sheryl on saturday as well but her real bday was on sunday. christine n i met up n discussed ways to surprise her... since a cake was pretty normal, we decided to buy doughnuts from Big Apple instead.. the whole thing jadi-ed thanks to our insider & spy, melissa chong..
at 1st, the plan was to go to her house before YA n surprise her, but thanks to info from our spy, tat plan cant work coz they had promised to take their cousins to a park to play.. so, we changed the plan.. we would surprise them when they r playing at the park in desa park city.. we plan to celebrate their cousin's bday too since their's was on the 7th...
ended up, it was only christine, kevin, lynette n i who surprised her... while we were walking to the park, sheryl already saw us.. lol. there were other kids with their parents there too... we sang happy bday to her loudly to embarrass her.. lol..
went back to church, n while sheryl led the sharing session, we ate the doughnuts n chocolate bought by kevin from langkawi.. lol..!! anyways, HAPPY 20th BDAY SHERYL!! <3
i have not been feeling well since sunday.. was lying on the bed the whole of yesterday.. was supposed to work.. i pushed myself n kept telling myself tat once i go to work, i'll b fine.. but i was not feeling any better.. i had no choice but to call eddy to tell i cant work coz im unwell.. he didnt pick up his phone so i called the boss.. sigh.. he didnt sound too happy.. i guess he thinks im just giving excuses for being lazy to go to work.. hope it will b fine tomoro though i still dont feel well now.. been lying on bed today too n i finally pushed myself to get up n do something.. blog.. hahaa
back to the topic.. jane's bday.. we, the dong bang gang kept surprising each other when it come's to someones bday.. jane celebrated it last saturday but her real bday is actually today.. so, HAPPY REAL BDAY JANE WONG!!!.. hahaaa..
ron, christine n i went hunting for jane's present.. we ended up at pavilion, ron's favourite shopping mall.. (after going to ampang's 'korean town'.. its a long story..) zr had this great idea for jane's bday present.. i cant tell u wat it is but it was difficult to find and takes time to get it done.. sigh.. so we had to find something else n i couldnt make up my mind on wat to buy for her! there were 5 things i had in mind.. so frustrating.. kept calling jl n zr to ask for their opinion.. finally bought a necklace and earring set.. its by Kenji... star shaped.. like cassiopeia.. *smile* the present was shared between ron, jinli, zhe rei, vinod, darsh n i....
initially, jl n zr couldnt come to the party but last min, they could.. so we decided to make it a surprise 4 jane.. jl calls me n i pretend tat she's crying on the phone but actually calls to tell tat they have arrived.. jane has to c im talking to jl with a worried expression on my face.. i walk away towards the stairs area.. (thank God jane was sitting beside me! if not, i'll b acting for no reason!).. ly tells jane tat jl is upset bout something when i walk away 'talking' to jl.. meanwhile, zr n jl are waiting at the 10th floor of the condo with a cake! i keep pretending im talking to jl n walks down 2 the 10th floor.. (im actually talking to nobody coz jl has already hung up.. imagine talking to nobody and acting anxious! lol...) jane n ly follows after me to find out wats wrong....... and.. SURPRISE!!!
i learned few stuff when i was talking to aunty linda and chrystal jie... at first, i didnt realise we were waiting for the rest to come in from music practice.. i was the only student in the class.. chrystal jie was asking me bout our pd trip n stuff.. she asked me bout the expectations i had for the trip n i said i had none.. i think she was surprised... is it because the fire tat is burning, but distinguishes after awhile tat caused me to hav no expectations?... because it never grows bigger? brighter?
anyways, this is wat i learned... :
1) dont hate the person.. hate the sin tat the person commits 2) find a solution to ur prob.. dont juz continue saying, wat to do..wat to do.. 3) persevere 4) ask God wat is ur gift n in wat area u can serve 5) ask God to give u wisdom to solve probs when u r at a deadend 6) have an expectation... it is something to look forward to.. a goal to achieve.. but wat if i get disappointed in the result n the ppl tat i trust?