Monday, January 12, 2009


forgot to add this pic to the previous post.. lol


the following story happened during christmas coz the owner of the blog kept forgetting to write about it due to her very very busy schedule... (im not lagging n thinking christmas was few days ago....)

A kind girl was given a very cute & interesting gift from her amazing frens for her 18th birthday in 2008... it was a very cute hamster which she called Pennette...


The benevolent owner of Pennette adored, loved and took very good care Pennette... Gazing at her everyday, the compassionate owner felt that Pennette was lonely and took pity on her little darling... since christmas was approaching, the thoughtful owner decided to get Pennette a christmas present... what present could cure loneliness??? none other than a cute, charming, appealing & adorable male hammie!!

Pennette's christmas present!

The next task was to find a suitable name for the new hammie... walking around the shopping mall with Pennette's christmas present in a container in lynette's handbag, the pleasant owner went into a bakery... her glorious eyes were looking around and something caught her attention.. a bread/cake/muffin (ppl hav diff opinions on wat it is) that is usually prepared for christmas and new year in italy, called....., Panettone... 'perfect!.. perfect!!'..., the owners good heart cried out... the perfect name since it matches and sounds like Pennette & is in tune with the season too.. christmas & new year!!.. therefore, the benign owner now has a hammie which has a french name, Pennette, and another with an italian name, Panettone..... :)

A Panettone

Pennette and Panettone

great will, enthusiasm, and spirit to exercise

so cuuuute!! can u differentiate them?

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